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Landscaping doesn’t stop with mowing. In addition to edging and blowing, hedge-trimming is a vital component to give your lawn that finishing touch to keep it tidy. Not finishing with edging or trimming is like getting a haircut without addressing your sideburns.

When it comes to hedge trimmer repair and maintenance, though, you need to make sure you do a thorough job to ensure the equipment lasts. Let’s go over some best practices for both repairing and maintaining hedge trimmers.

Safety First

Before diving into any maintenance or repair tasks, make sure you’re being safe. That means disconnecting power for electric hedge trimmers (i.e., unplugging or removing the battery) and wearing protective gear before you get started. When you do, ensure the area where you’re working is clean and free from clutter.

Clean Regularly

Keeping your hedge trimmer clean helps maintain its efficiency and longevity, but not if you’re doing it sporadically. Maintain (no pun intended) a regular cadence to keep it operating its best. At the very least, remove debris, check for resin buildup, address any damage, sharpen blades and lubricate them.

Examine the Air Filter

For gas-powered hedge trimmers, a clean air filter will ensure that it runs efficiently. Check it before each use and if it’s dirty or clogged, clean it. Replace it as necessary—on an annual basis or more frequently if you use it in dusty conditions.

Tune Up the Fuel System

Proper fuel system maintenance is essential for the longevity of your gas-powered hedge trimmer. Always use fresh, high-quality fuel and avoid using fuel that has been stored for more than 30 days. Inspect fuel lines and don’t forget to clean the carburetor. 

Care for the Battery

For battery-powered trimmers, maintaining your battery ensures your hedge trimmer is always ready to go. It also extends battery life. So make sure you charge it properly, avoiding overcharging or leaving the battery in the charger for extended periods. Additionally, store the battery in a cool, dry place, avoiding extreme temperatures.

Maintain the Grip

A secure grip and comfortable handle are essential for safe operation. Check for wear and tear (e.g., cracks) and replace parts as necessary. Use a mild soap solution and cloth to clean the handle and keep it free from dirt and debris.

Tighten Screws, Test Safety Features

Use the appropriate tools to tighten any loose screws or bolts. Be careful not to overtighten, as this can strip the threads. Also test safety features like the safety switch and blade guard, confirming that these components engage and disengage properly.  

Consider Professional Servicing

For more complex maintenance and repairs, professional servicing is recommended. It’s a good idea to take your hedge trimmer to a company like Classic Turf Equipment for annual servicing, as we can repair any issues on site. We can also handle specialized repair and maintenance needs that the average person doesn’t have the expertise or equipment to handle.

These are just a few best practices to follow for maintaining your hedge trimmer. To shop for new hedge trimmers or invest in hedge trimmer repair, stop by a Classic Turf Equipment location in Dallas-Fort Worth today.