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Power and pressure washers have a variety of beneficial uses. From cleaning your driveway and sidewalk to scaring off overzealous solicitors, these tools make tough tasks much easier and are worth the investment. (We’re just joking about that last one.)

The only problem with power washers? They don’t often get used much during the colder months. These can be significant investments, so it’s important to protect them. Let’s go over some steps for how to winterize and store a power washer.

Step 1: Clean It

Before you start winterizing, it’s crucial to give your power washer a clean first. Start by disconnecting the spark plug and removing any fuel in the tank. Safely and carefully run the power washer until the last of the fuel is gone from the system, then start removing the attachable components (e.g., hose, spray gun, etc.). Clean everything with soap, rinse and allow to dry.

Step 2: Prep the Engine and Pump

Fuel stabilizers can help protect the engine from potential damage during the winter months. Add some to your tank and run the power washer for a few minutes to circulate it. Next, you can change the oil and air filter, as well as check the spark plug for signs of wear or damage.

Step 3: Lubricate

Inspect and add lubrication to all moving parts, like the pump, engine and other components. Look for signs of wear and damage and lubricate parts as recommended by the manufacturer to prevent rusting during the winter.

Step 4: Remove Moisture

If there’s one thing water does, it’s freeze when it gets cold. As such, you should drain all water from the power washer’s hoses, pumps and other components. Store those parts indoors or in a heated area to prevent freezing and cracking.

Step 5: Store Properly

Choosing the right location to store your power washer during the winter months can make all the difference when it comes to protecting it. You want to store it in a safe, dry location that is away from temperature fluctuations and freeing temperatures. Covering with a tarp is another good idea, as it keeps dust and debris away.

Step 6: Check Periodically

This isn’t a “set it and forget it” situation. You want to periodically check on your power washer throughout the winter to ensure it remains in good condition and to address any issues. If you’re in need of a power washer repair, an outdoor power equipment company can help.

Now you know how to winterize and store a power washer. If you have any other questions about power washers or storing/winterizing outdoor power equipment, contact Classic Turf Equipment today.